The Employees API is used to manage the creation and updating of employee profiles in UKG HR Service Delivery.
This API call is used to create or update an employee on UKG HR Service Delivery. An employee is identified by their technical_id, unique identifier that is reported when they are created by the HRIS source:
If the call parameters includes a new technical_id, a new employee is created
If the call parameters includes a technical_id that already exists in our system, the corresponding employee is updated. An “intelligent” deduplication check is performed on the first name, last name, date of birth, e-mail address, and postal address fields in order to trigger an error if there is a duplication risk. An HTTP 409 CONFLICT error is returned in this case.
This endpoint entered deprecation in July 2021. As per our deprecation policy, its sunset period started in January 2022 and retirement will occur in July 2022. Consider using the corresponding APIv2 endpoint instead.
The POST is in JSON (Content-Type: application/json): It contains the employee’s attributes:
lastname: VARCHAR(70)
/ mandatory
Last name of the employee
firstname: VARCHAR(30)
/ mandatory
First name
maiden_name: VARCHAR(70)
/ optional
Maiden name
email: VARCHAR(80)
/ optional
or mandatory
Professional e-mail of the employee. Used to send personal vault activation codes to employees. If empty, the invitation is sent via conventional mail containing the vault activation code (project).
technical_id: VARCHAR(50)
/ mandatory
Technical identifier corresponding to the unique identifier of the employee in the HRIS of the Client. It is recommended to specify a unique employee identifier if such an identifier exists in the HRIS. This identifier (generally) is not the employee number. But if it is guaranted that the employee number is unique, even in the event of a transfer, or in the event of a departure and reassignment, the employee number may then be used as this identifier.
registration_references: List of employee numbers and organizations associated with the employee. These organizations and employee numbers are added to the employee if they are not already present. No employee number is deleted in this call: in particular, in case of an employee update, even if this parameter ‘registration_references’ is an empty list, the existing employee numbers aren’t deleted:
Code of the organization with which the employee number is associated
Employee number within the organization. The pair registration number and organization code should be unique
active: [
] /optional
, default:true
Status of the employee number
, default: todayEmployee’s departure date from the organization in ISO format``YYYY-MM-DD``. If not provided, the current date is used
/ optional
Employee birth date in ISO format``YYYY-MM-DD``. Deduplication checks are performed based on this field, it is therefore advisable to fill it in
address1: VARCHAR(255)
/ optional
or mandatory
Employee address, in the “no. and street” format. This field is mandatory if the e-mail field is not filled in
address2: VARCHAR(255)
/ optional
Additional address (Floor, Stairwell, Apartment…)
address3: VARCHAR(255)
/ optional
Additional address fields (Residence, Housing Development, Building, Apartment Building, Subdivision, etc.)
zip_code: VARCHAR(30)
/ optional
or mandatory
Postal code. This field is mandatory if the e-mail field is not filled in
city: VARCHAR(100)
/ optional
or mandatory
City in which the employee resides. This field is mandatory if the e-mail field is not filled in
country: VARCHAR(2)
/ optional
or mandatory
ISO country code (FR, EN, ES…). This field is mandatory if the e-mail field is not filled in. For a list of valid country codes see
phone_number: VARCHAR(50)
/ optional
Employee phone number. Format using International prefix format; eg: ``00116434774000``.
mobile_phone_number: VARCHAR(50)
/ optional
Mobile phone number. Format using International prefix format; eg: ``0116434774000``. This number is the one used by default when notifying the employee to sign a document or to confirm his identity. If not filled then the phone number is used
electronic_payslips_opted_out: true/false
/ optional
For European based clients only, did the Employee ask to opt out from receiving their payslips digitally (
)? Or on the contrary, did they agree to receive them digitally (false
)? If the employee did not communicate any choice,false
is returned. Changing this value also sets the value ofelectronic_payslips_opted_out_date
to today’s date.
disable_elec_distribution: true/false
/ optional
Prevent electronic documents to be sent to the employee’s vault
disable_paper_distribution: true/false
/ optional
Prevent paper documents to be sent to the employee
starting_date: YYYY-MM-DD
/ optional
Starting date of the employee in your company in the ISO format``YYYY-MM-DD``
gone: true/false
/ optional
Flag to mark the employee as terminated. By default: false. If true all registration numbers are set to inactive
disable_vault: true/false
/ optional
Disable/enable employee’s vault. If it is not provided, or if the employee’s vault is already activated, it is ignored and set to false by default
filters: optional
Dictionary of employee custom fields.
{ 'nh': '4', 'title': 'director' }
POST /api/v1/employees/
'lastname': 'MARTIN',
'firstname': 'Paul',
'email': '[email protected]',
'technical_id': 'internal056',
'registration_references': [
'organization_code': 'FSUD1',
'registration_number': 'BYUIE5685678',
'active': 'true'
'organization_code': 'FSUD2',
'registration_number': 'BYUIE5685677',
'active': 'false',
'departure_date': '2014-12-31'
'dob': '1985-04-12',
'address1': '34 rue du général',
'zip_code': '75016',
'city': 'Paris',
'country': 'FR',
'mobile_phone_number': '0033645764425',
'electronic_payslips_opted_out': true,
'filters': {
'nh': '4',
'title': 'director'
The response is encoded in the JSON format with the following parameters:
Internal employee identifier in the HRIS, provided during the creation of the employee on UKG HR Service Delivery
HTTP 201 Created
'technical_id': 'internal056'
HTTP 403 Forbidden: Authentication failed
HTTP 409 Conflict: A deduplication error has occurred
HTTP 400 Bad Request: Invalid parameters.
Each error is represented by a JSON object {'code': 1001, 'message': 'Invalid ...'}
. The error message is given as an indication (debug).
code = 1400: The following fields are missing xxx, xxx.
code = 1409: Deduplication error, employee has the same last name, first name and birth date.
HTTP 400 Bad Request
'errors': [
'code': 1400,
'msg': 'Family name is required'
'code': 1409,
'msg': 'This firstname, lastname and registration ref are arlready used for this domain'
In Curl:
curl -v -X POST "" \
-H "Content-type: application/json" \
-H "Accept: application/json" \
-H "X-API-KEY: toto" \
-d "{\"lastname\": \"TAPTAP9\", \"firstname\": \"gregory9\", \"email\": \"[email protected]\", \"technical_id\": \"testgregory9\", \"registration_references\": [{\"organization_code\": \"AP\", \"registration_number\": \"testgregory9\", \"active\": \"true\"}],\"dob\": \"1985-04-12\",\"address1\": \"34 rue du général\", \"zip_code\": \"75016\", \"city\": \"Paris\", \"country\": \"FR\", \"mobile_phone_number\": \"0033645764425\"}"
This API call retrieves information regarding an employee registered on UKG HR Service Delivery
This endpoint entered deprecation in July 2021. As per our deprecation policy, its sunset period started in January 2022 and retirement will occur in July 2022. Consider using the corresponding APIv2 endpoint instead.
GET parameters:
technical_id: VARCHAR(50)
/ optional
or mandatory
Internal employee identifier within the HRIS and reported during the employee creation on UKG HR Service Delivery
electronic_payslips_opt_out_origin: VARCHAR(50)
/ optional
If the employee is reported as opted out from the electronic payslip, describe if the decision was made by the
or by theenterprise
(default). Otherwisenull
electronic_payslips_opt_out_date: YYYY-MM-DD
/ optional
Date when the choice of the employee to opt out was recorded
When successful, this method retrieves all attributes of the employee. For example:
HTTP 200 OK { 'lastname': 'MARTIN', 'firstname': 'Paul', 'maiden_name': '', 'email': '[email protected]', 'technical_id': 'internal056', 'registration_references': [ { 'organization_code': 'FSUD1', 'registration_number': 'BYUIE5685678', 'active': 'true' }, { 'organization_code': 'FSUD2', 'registration_number': 'BYUIE5685677', 'active': 'false', 'departure_date': '2014-12-31' } ] 'dob': '1985-04-12', 'address1': '34 rue du général', 'address2': '', 'address3': '', 'zip_code': '75016', 'city': 'Paris', 'country': 'FR', 'phone_number': '', 'mobile_phone_number': '0033645764425', 'disable_elec_distribution': false, 'disable_paper_distribution': false, 'electronic_payslips_opted_out': false, 'electronic_payslips_opt_out_origin': 'enterprise', 'electronic_payslips_opt_out_date': '2017-12-08' 'starting_date': '2011-04-17', 'gone': false, 'disable_vault': false, 'filters': { 'nh': '4', 'title': 'directeur' } }
electronic_payslips_opted_out: true/false
For European based clients only, did the Employee ask to opt out from receiving their payslips digitally (
)? Or on the contrary, did they agree to receive them digitally (false
)? If the employee did not communicate any choice,false
is returned
electronic_payslips_opt_out_origin: VARCHAR(50)
If the employee is reported as opted out from the electronic payslip, describe if the decision was made by the
or by theenterprise
(default). Otherwisenull
electronic_payslips_opt_out_date: YYYY-MM-DD
Date when the choice of the employee to opt out was recorded
HTTP 404 Does Not Exist: No employee for this technical_id.
HTTP 403 Forbidden: Authentication failed.
HTTP 400 Bad Request: Invalid parameters.
This endpoint entered deprecation in July 2021. As per our deprecation policy, its sunset period started in January 2022 and retirement will occur in July 2022. Consider using the corresponding APIv2 endpoint instead.
GET parameters:
technical_id: VARCHAR(50)
/ optional
or mandatory
Internal employee identifier within the HRIS and reported during the employee creation on UKG HR Service Delivery
The POST is encoded in JSON (Content-Type: application/json) and contains the following parameters:
organization_code: VARCHAR(64)
/ mandatory
Code of the organization with which the employee number is associated
registration_number: VARCHAR(255)
/ mandatory
Employee number within the organization ‘organization_code’
active: [true
, false
] / optional
, default: true
Status of this employee number.
departure_date: YYYY-MM-DD
/ optional
, default: today
Date of employee’s departure in ISO format``YYYY-MM-DD``, if the employee number is not active. If not provided, the current date is registered.
POST /api/v1/employees/GYU89665F58/registrations/
'registration_number': '4564564464FFS',
'organization_code': 'FSUD1',
'active': 'true'
If the employee number did not exist before the call, the method returns:
HTTP 201 Created
And if the employee number / organization pair already exists for this employee:
HTTP 404 Does Not Exist: No employee for this technical_id.
HTTP 403 Forbidden: Authentication failed.
HTTP 400 Bad Request: Invalid parameters.
List of errors in JSON format:
Each error is represented by a JSON object
{'code': 1001, 'message': 'Invalid ...'}
. The error message is given as an indication (debug).
code = 1400: the following fields are missing: xxx, xxx.
code = 1404: The organization code does not exist.
HTTP 400 Bad Request
'errors': [
'code': 1400,
'msg': 'Org code is required'
This endpoint entered deprecation in July 2021. As per our deprecation policy, its sunset period started in January 2022 and retirement will occur in July 2022. Consider using the corresponding APIv2 endpoint instead.
DELETE /api/v1/employees/{technical_id}/registrations/{organization_code}/{registration_number}/
GET parameters:
technical_id: VARCHAR(50)
/ optional
or mandatory
Internal employee identifier within the HRIS and reported during the employee creation on UKG HR Service Delivery
organization_code: VARCHAR(64)
/ mandatory
Code of the organization with which the employee number is associated
registration_number: VARCHAR(255)
/ mandatory
Employee number within the organization ‘organization_code’
Used to report an employee’s departure from the company. All active employee numbers are converted to inactive status (the current date is stored as departure date).
Used to report an employee’s return to the company. All employee numbers are then converted to active status.