Distributing and archiving nominative documents

To distribute nominative documents to the employees (the “employee copies”) and/or archive them via UKG’s document management service in the employee folder (the “company copies”), a distribution project must be created. Each distribution project consists of one or more batches of documents to be distributed. Each batch consists of a set of named documents of the same type and in a pre-defined format, selected during the implementation phase (for example payslips or time cards).

The employee copies may be sent in hardcopy (paper) or uploaded to the employee’s evault, based on the choice of each employee.

For each batch, the following workflow is implemented (depending on the format used, certain steps are optional):

  1. The batch is divided into individual documents.

  2. The documents or xml files are analyzed to extract the employee identification data (last name, first name, employee number, …).

  3. The documents are archived in UKG’s electronic archiving service (EAS) to guarantee their integrity over time. Hard copies may be sent to a printer for mailing.

  4. The documents are indexed and visible in the employee folder and/or on the employee’s evault interface.
