[RPA011] Request to Smart Document Generation to Request

What is it?

This automation can be used to fill a Smart Document Generation template with the data from a created request. As a result, the generated document is stored in a new request for further processing.

The following diagram presents a high-level view of this standard configuration:

Workflow for RPA011


The information provided here is about standard RPA configuration. Custom RPA configurations offer more options and flexibility but induce extra costs. In this case, please contact your UKG sales representative.

Why is it useful?

Data already entered can be used for automatic data fill in a document. No manual typing is necessary. In addition, the created document can be used for further processes, such as “E-Signature”. Both requests, the initial and the child request with the generated document, can be linked within People Assist, or not.

For what purpose?

For various document processes, such as the creation of contract amendments. In addition, this automation can also be offered to employees as a “document self-generation” service. For example, employees can create a certificate of employment fully automatically. This automation also allows to trigger the creation of another request that fetches data from the parent request, and to link them together.


Please note that the creator of the new request will be the first assigned user returned by the API from the source request.

Alternative approach

There are no automatic alternatives to this automation. Manual transfer of the data into a Smart Document Generation template and the following provision of the completed document in a separate workflow step.


In order to trigger the automation, you need to include the following mandatory fields in the request forms:


Field IDs are case sensitive.

Smart Document Generation form fields

To get the data from the request to the document template, the request form’s field IDs must be identical to the slugs in the Smart Document Generation template.

Dataset syntax

To retrieve data set information from a request in a document generation template, you must comply with a specific syntax. That way in the generated document, you can get all values from each level of your dataset. For example, you can have the following datasets:


Tags in the docx template

Request form slug


Levels: 2

with the “_1” and “_2” suffixes as it’s a 2-level dataset

The “2lvl” in the slug “dataset_2lvl_IAMADATASET” matches with the number of levels in the dataset

If you trigger the template, it can fetch values for the 2 levels of your dataset.

Levels: 3

with the “_1” and “_2” and “_3” suffixes as it’s a 3-level dataset

The “3lvl” in the slug “dataset_3lvl_IAMALSOADATASET” matches with the number of levels in the dataset

If you trigger the template, it can fetch values for the 3 levels of your dataset.

Mandatory field IDs in the initial request form

Request field ID

Field type




Short text; Dropdown; Single answer (radios); Single answer (buttons)

Form ID used to create the child request with the generated document



Short text; Dropdown; Single answer (radios); Single answer (buttons)

ID of the Smart Document Generation template that will be used to generate the document


Mandatory fields IDs in the child request form

Request field ID

Field type




This field provides the generated document as a PDF document



This field provides the generated document as a DOCX document. Required only if the “Generate docx document” workflow is enabled.


In case you would like to fetch the data and form files from the parent request to the child request, the child request’s form field IDs must be identical to the parent request’s form fields IDs. Please note that it is not mandatory to have all the fields from the parent request in the child one, in order to fetch data.

Options to be setup during the implementation phase by your UKG contact

  • Generation of a DOCX document additionally to the PDF

  • Copy the attachments from the parent to the child request

  • Set the child request visibility access for the employee:
    • The employee will not have access to the child request (default behavior)

    • Allow the employee to access the child request

    • Inherit the permission from the parent request

  • Link the requests when creating the new one with the fetched data

Best practices

  • The RPA will be executed even if some fields of the Smart Document Generation template are not filled.

  • Always generate a DOCX document additionally to the PDF in case you need to edit it

  • Always copy the attachments to the child request

  • Always link the requests for an easier request management

CSV error report

A CSV error report is added to the RPA monitoring webpage when an issue is encountered by the automation.

Available triggers

The RPA can be triggered through a macro, an automation or trigger rule, to be configured in People Assist.